The short video above gives an overview of the foundation.
Fall is here, Where's the rain?
It has been a stong push this summer with a lot of improvements. The big projects included roofs on 2 of the buildings. We tackled the rain water storage tanks in the foundation building. We're wrapping up 2 large carports for staff and winter guests. There was a ton of progress in the gardens. We cleared and milled trees to open space for a fruit grove, planned out and installed a new meadow along the road and learned through all of the process.
Stream 2024 is still on view in the gallery. Reach out to us at info@4cfoundation.org if you would like to visit.
As we move into winter the focus will switch to planning, permiting and getting things lined up for the spring.
Next years exciting projects will include:
-The construction of a new workshop that will create space for explorations in wood, metal and other materials
-Renovation of our older gallery floor to promote dance and movement parctice.
-More work in the gardens to remove and replace invasive species, design fruit groves as well as introduce more educational aspects to an already beautiful display.
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Created as a 501-C3 non-profit corporation, in 1995, the Foundation hopes to foster a heightened awareness of the impact of man-made design on the environment, and more importantly, the potential impact of the environment on man-made design.
The technology of the twentieth century, while attempting to understand and mold nature to man's needs and whims, has unwittingly opened the door to the destruction of critical elements of the planet's natural envorinment. The time has come to aproach these relationships with a critcal, honest eye and evaluate the changes that can bring us closer to symbiosis.
The cultural expression of man-made interventions to the planet from now on must be as conscious of the interlocking forces of nature, as they are presently conscious of style.
Building and landscape architecture must connect us to nature and, further, must help us to understand it: here is the history of the buildings and landscapes of the porperty to date.
For the recent book written by Robert Foote Shannon on the current condition of architecture, please use the following link: An Architecture of Circumstance