the artistic possibilities
of designing with nature

Upcoming events

July 27, 2024
Join us as we host a fundraiser for local nonprofit Neighborhood Connections.  Event starts at 4pm.  Come enjoy the gardens in full bloom while listening to live steel drum music by The Blue Flames Steel Band and enjoy food prepared by chef Jason 'Connor.  It's going to be a great night to relax in the mountains and support a good local cause. Tickets are $50/person or $60 at the door and can be purchased here.
Design and construct the man-made environment to be in harmony with the natural environment.
author: Robert Shannon

Design, Development, and Deployment of a Cast Wall System of high R value and fire resistance for bearing wall construction.

Preliminary Sketch

Preliminary Sketch

Criteria for cast wall system

Average R value of 40
Maximize recycled material
Minimize energy in production (embedded)
Maximize mass to interior
Allow for steel and concrete infill structure
Potential for multistory bearing walls
Maximize longevity
High fire rating
Channels for wiring
Easing of assembly
Facilitate attachment of other components

Supervised painting of door murals.