the artistic possibilities
of designing with nature

Upcoming events

January 1, 2024 from 10:45 am

We are extending the display of Robert Shannon's retrospective untill the end of May 2024.  We invite interested partys to contact us and schedule a visit while the broad spectrum of our founder's contribututions are still on full display.  We can be reached at   For more information on the show please click this link.


Design and construct the man-made environment to be in harmony with the natural environment.
author: Lawrence Linder

Good architecture always stands firmly planted in the realm of art. The artfulness of a building comes from the quality of space and light, the use of materials, the expressiveness of the details and the rightness of form that blends invention with imagination to achieve something transcendent.

author: Charles Brewer

It has been rare that a professional education in architecture includes an opportunity for investigation into "What is architecture and why should we do it." Who benefits from what we do; and why do so few people think that they are advantaged by what we do?

author: Robert Shannon

The work of the foundation President, Robert Foote Shannon, beginning 40 years ago to the present. This detailed presentation outlines many projects where issues of sustainability, relative to form, were arduously pursued.