the artistic possibilities
of designing with nature

Upcoming events

October 30, 2024


Our native plant sale order is live! Over 40 varieites of native plants available in sizes from 1 to 3 gallons. Since this is done as a bulk order, pricing is extremely competitive, 1 gallons are as low as $8. All proceeds will go towards a native plant installation for a local community organization in 2026. Order between now and Oct. 30th for plants to be picked up May 3rd and 4th 2025. No deposit required. Once you order we will send a confirmation as well as a pick up reminder in April of 2025. Happy ordering!

Click here for order form!

Design and construct the man-made environment to be in harmony with the natural environment.

Bio-reactor Demonstration

September 10, 2022
Steven Fellows will lead a “Bio-reactor” Workshop on Sept. 10, 2022 at 2 p.m. Attendees will build a high temperature composting machine that can handle clean-up of large quantities of organic matter. It is a low maintenance design constructed from inexpensive materials. Air is introduced to create aerobic digestion and generate temperatures high enough to kill weed seeds in short order.
Please RSVP or direct inquiries to Steven at or (802)875-2194.
This is a free event, small donations are accepted by the foundation to further environmental missions.